If you could do one thing differently to improve yourself, what would it be? A question that pops up quite often in my mind.
Every so often I like to take a few minutes, sit down, take a breath with a mug of green tea and become a consumer on social media. "I see things in a totally different perspective when I'm in that mode."
"Please bare with me as I drift off a little, there's always a method to my madness." Schools have a policy in place that their pupils have to abide by, and that's to wear their uniform and not promote branded clothing. This way, it doesn't show wealth, the child next to you doesn't feel inadequate and it takes away the hierarchy someone feels they have over you. "But one thing it can't do is take away natural talent, something that is uniquely bonded inside of you." I'd hate for my child to ever feel as is they had to 'Keep up with the Joneses' it's heartbreaking!
"Method To My Madness."
The above image displays three pairs of trainers, two pairs are branded and one pair isn't. Which pair would you choose? Society has a way of swaying our decision, do you choose the branded pair to save face of embarrassment or do you choose the pair that you like regardless of their make? All three pairs of trainers are owned by the same person, the unbranded pair (left) are the most worn due to their ergonomic, comfort and stability and suit their purpose. The other two pairs (middle and right) are the most expensive, aren't the most comfortable but suit their purpose for other 'domestic' reasons.
"Get To The Point Lad!"
Okay, when it comes to deciding what filming equipment is best for me when I'm working on a project, I do my research and if I can, try and get a hands on. It's important to me what is right for the job, unless there are very specific requirements. Like above, I don't go for the most expensive. I think about how it's going to handle in certain conditions, Its weight, the ergonomics of it and so forth. "I don't just think of the present, I think of the future and how it will aid me in future projects."
So it's not the expensive gear or footwear that impresses me, it's the research I do and the person wearing them or holding it that is most impressive to me. It does't make a person with no talent any more creative than they were before, it just allows them to 'fit in' with the crowd if that's what they want. Like a pair of trainers that are in fashion, one day they're in, the next day they're out. Equipment is exactly the same, "Unless they're a classic!"
"Hang Fire!"
I hope you've enjoyed reading my first blog for January 2023, I have so much more to give and will do in my next blog post.
Thanks for reading, Ed
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